Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Bullet Witch for Xbox 360 Review and Pictures

Bullet Witch for 360

http://www.gamespot.com/video/931220/6166576/videoplayerpop? Intro

The intro if you notice ties into the gameplay pretty well. If anyone has played Area 51 black ops ( the new one poeple! ) then you may find yourself confusing some scenes and areas. The intro has footage of towers coming down, gulf war, you name it... However it goes forward as if to pick up from the present and tell the story of the future. You may be begging to see witch bullet 2 becuase there are a ton of things not answered. Like who the mysterious deep voice is talking to her.

She has the raven hair and ruby lips, and sparks do fly from her fingertips, but this witchy woman isn't wicked in the least. In fact, she's pretty lifeless, and at time so is her game, Bullet Witch. This third-person shooter developed by Cavia and published by Atari. Bullet Witch is peppered with some great moments that you'll want to experience again and again. Its just figuring out the puzzles to get to them. A couple of the spells are truly awesome to witness, as is the complete destruction of the world around you, but these moments are too short lived to carry the whole game. Some of the streets are like puzzles and you have these brain guys that produce a certain color forcefield and you must kill them all in order to get to the boss.

Shoot the Walnut Head to release the barrier and make a suprise attack.
Splat! Its cool here ant there but the game makes you take out maybe 20 of them.

This soldier is reffered to as a giest, a Possesed soldier by a demon and you are gonna excercise him!

The game takes place in the year 2013 after war, disease, and a couple of natural disasters have killed billions. To top it all off, an inter dimensional portal has opened up, unleashing masses of homicidal demons upon the remnants of the world, or, at least the East Coast of the United States. You play as a witch named Alicia. She's not quite human and not quite a demon, but she uses her magic powers and her massive gunrod to fight the demons and save what's left of humankind.

This is the hole were the whole thing started. A human sacrifice threw himself into the pit to bring back his daughter as a deal with satan I suppose. Which worked but the sacrifice didnt die, he stayed alive which left the" gates of hell" open for more than just his little girl to some through. Others did too. Half the game is spent finding this hole, then destroy the sacrifice and move on..

As Alicia, you have to eliminate hundreds of identical demons throughout six different stages. You start in a suburb, work your way through a city, head out into a forest, and end up back in the city. The shooting is all done with Alicia's cumbersome and impractical gunrod. The basic function of the gunrod is similar to an assault rifle, but you can spend skill points that you earn for completing each level to unlock new gunrod forms. There are only four forms, though, and none of them are any more useful than the default form. Even the cannon form, which is supposed to behave like a sniper rifle, doesn't have any greater range than the basic assault-rifle form. I recomend to only buy the fire elemantal attachment. Reloading your weapon costs magic points, but your magic points regenerate so quickly you'll essentially have unlimited ammunition for most of your gunrod forms.

The gunplay is hampered by some terrible artificial intelligence. . Allies will often run up and stand right in front of you in the middle of a gunfight, which doesn't matter for the most part because you can shoot right through them, but they still obstruct your view. Fortunately, your allies will often get stuck behind walls or other objects, so you won't have to worry about them tagging along and getting in your way for very long.

This is the first tank in the game being takin out by Lightning Spell! Very dramatic and you are invicible when you cast the spell as the lightning zaps any bullets or shells flying your way.

One of the first spells unlocked is the will power spell, which lets you use telekinesis to pitch cars, boulders, trees, and even massive water tanks at your enemies. It's odd, though, that while you can send a bus skipping down a city street, your enemies are completely immune to your will power spell. That means that you can't chuck foes into walls or off bridges, which is disappointing. This is the only spell that has limitations. You can only throw Objects but not people, the Deep voice that talks her wont let her do it. However he eventually gives in and lets you use rediculous boughts of magic on your foes ( but never upgrades the jedi move shit skill)

The two best magic spells in the game are the tornado and the meteor spells. You don't unlock these until 1/2 the way in the game, and they 3/4 full magic gauge to cast, but when you finally get one of these spells off, the resulting carnage is well worth the wait. Huge meteors fall from the sky and crush enemies and collapse skyscrapers. A tornado tears the roof off of a building and drops it on a group of unsuspecting enemies. These moments are truly impressive and extremely gratifying. Once a tornado is cast for example it forms and gets bigger and bigger and could consume somthing the size of a gas station wide ans 200 foot tall in the game. The problem is that you can only use these spells in a few certain areas, and the spells' effects only last for about 30 seconds at a time. The certain areas are limited to outside since a wind storm wont help indoors and lightning wont read you, but you can use the powers everywhere else.

You can play through Bullet Witch in about six hours on your first play.